Warrant and Inventory of Jewels and other stuffs requisitioned for Queen Jane on 14 July 1553

An inventory of jewels and other items brought out of the Royal Wardrobe in the Jewel Tower of Westminster Palace for use by Queen Jane in July 1553. The original spelling, punctuation, and spacing of the original is preserved here as far as is possible.

Lady Jane Grey was proclaimed Queen of England on Monday, 10 July 1553, and took up residence in the Tower of London that evening, as was customary for all new English monarchs. Four days later, on Friday, 14 July 1553, this inventory of jewels and fine fabrics requisitioned out of the stores of the Royal Treasury and the Royal Wardrobe by or in the name of Queen Jane was prepared, together with a second royal warrant, all under the signature ‘Jane the Quene’ [sic], authorizing the transfer of the various items from the Palace of Westminster to the Tower.

The inventory and warrant are both in a secretarial hand, perhaps that of Sir Richard Rich, who in June 1553 was recalled to the Privy Council to support Edward VI’s alteration of the succession. What appear to be his initials mark several places on the two documents as well as the upper lefthand corner of each first page. The handwriting is also similar to that of Sir William Cecil, then secretary to the Council. A contemporary but different hand, perhaps that of Andrew Dudley or Sturton, has added numbers down the left column, probably as an aid to auditing the inventory.

There are approximately 600 individual pieces of jewelry and lengths of fabric listed in the inventory, divided into 139 lots or ‘items.’ Most of the items were no doubt intended to outfit the young queen with accessories suitable to her new regal status. These include carcanets (necklaces), habillaments (jeweled edging for headgear), girdles (belts with long hanging ends), tablets (small jeweled pictures similar to brooches), ‘pairs’ of beads (long strings of large beads worn around the waist and hanging down the front), as well as rings, brooches, and other pieces.

None of the items listed were ever Jane’s personal property. Nor did she bring any of them with her to the Tower on 10 July. As queen, however, she had unlimited access to the contents of the jewels in the Royal Treasury and fabrics in the Royal Wardrobe.

Several of the items listed in the inventory are of particular interest. One is a gold toothpick in the shape of a fish (line 7). Another is a small clock in the shape of a book (line 130). There are also several brooches and ‘tablets’ containing the images of various saints, including St. James, St. Katherine, St. George, and St. David, all of which might seem at odds with Jane’s apparent religious inclinations, given the usual Protestant rejection of the Roman Catholic doctrine of the intercession of saints and the use of their images.

The inventory below is reproduced from Oxford University’s New College Library Manuscript Volume 328/1, folios 38-40.

It is reproduced here first with the original spelling and then in transcription using modern standardized spelling. It is also in the same format, lineation, and idiosyncratic line numbering style as the original manuscript. It is unfortunately not possible to reproduce the exact appearance of the handwriting itself, however. Neither is it possible to reproduce the numbering in exactly the same form as seen in the original. The software used to create this site (WordPress) has significant limitations, and one of those limitations is an inability to format the numbering of ordered lists of the kind seen below. The original document repeats two item numbers (80 and 97). As a result, the last numbered item is designated in the original as 132 though there are actually 134 numbers present. Another limitation of WordPress is its inability to reproduce in their proper place the many marginal notations added after the inventory was compiled and that appear down the left margin. Those marginal notes are here appended to the bottom of the inventories with their original locations provided.

The Inventory:


Jane <the Quene>

A note of certaine Jewelles and
Other thing[es] delyvered vnto the Quenes
Hyghnes by [blank] Sturton Esquier
The xiiij ^th^ day of July 1553 in the
Fyrst yere of her highnes reygne

  1. First one tablet vi squarre with ij faces and vj perles
  2. Item one broche with a woman comyng out of a cloude with ij. Chyldren
  3. Item one other broche of golde with a story in it having
    xix tables rubies and ij tables dyamandes and viij rede rubies about
  4. it. Item two pec[es] rubies and iij pec[es] with dyamand[es] and iij
    other pecies with ij perles in a pece all serving for byllymantes.
    Item one other pece with a dyamant for a girdle. Item one other broche
  5. Of the storie of a Sacrifice having on it ij red rubies and v.
  6. lytle dyamandes and a faire Emerall. Item a fyshe of golde being
  7. a toothe pyk. Item a litle pendau[n]t having one great perle and
  8. vj lytle perles at it. Item one tablet of the picture of a woman
    graven in a stone like a Jacent w[i]th a faire pearle pendau[n]t.
  9. Item one tablet of Agathe garnishing with golde w[i]th a Ball in
    it w[i]th a ruby and a dyamand garnished w[i]th small stones
  10. having a perle pendaunt. Item another broche of Agathe w[i]th St
  11. James heade garnished with golde. Item one Dewbery of golde.
  12. Item a faire tablet w[i]th Cupides face graven in stone w[i]th a triangle
  13. Diamonde set in it. Item a tablet boke fashion w[i]th story of
    St David on the one side and on thother side iiij blewe saphieres.
  14. Item a Colet w[i]th v perles and a counterset stone. Item a
  15. flowre w[i]th white Saphier and iij perles pendaunt. Item a
  16. broche of golde w[i]th a woman mother of perle and a saile over
  17. her head. Item a newte of silver white. Item a tablet
  18. w[i]th a white Saphiere and a blewe and ballesse and a perle
  19. pendaunt. Item a tablet of Christall and Jacind with a
  20. picture w[i]th in them. Item a tablet of Agathe w[i]th Saint
  21. Katerin within it. Item a flowre w[i]th a blewe Saphiere
  22. square and a amatist square. Item the l[et]tre L w[i]th a
  23. great bales and iij perles pendaunt. Item a flowre of golde
    of iiij crosses and a flowre de luse of Diamand[es] and a perle
    a pendaunt. Item a pece of golde w[i]th a rede rubie in it for
  24. a girdle. Item a broche with an Agathe engraven w[i]th a story
  25. enamelled black and white. Item a tablet of golde
  26. enamelled black w[i]th a clock on it. Item a booke garnished
  27. w[i]th golde and covered w[i]th black velvet. Item a broche
  28. of golde w[i]th a face in Agathe. Item two Clasbes
  29. one w[i]th a flowre de luce of Dyamandes and thother
  30. w[i]th a blewe Saphiere. Item a tablet of golde iiij
  31. Square enamelled blacke. Item one other paire of
    clasbes one w[i]th an Agathe and thother enamelled black
  32. Item a broche of golde enamelled black w[i]th a face of
  33. Agathe. Item a nother broche w[i]th a woman holding
  34. a flowre de luce of Diamandes in her hande. Item a flowre of
  35. golde w[i]th a great ballesse and ^x^ perles. Item a broche of
  36. with a story in blewe w[i]thin a Chrystall. Item a
    broche of golde with the picture of our Lady of another
  37. broken. Item a broche of a George of mother of perle.
  38. Item a Crosse of ten dyamandes and iij perles pendaunt.
  39. Item two clasbes one like a Scalope shell thother w[i]th a
  40. flowre of rubies. Item a broche of an Agathe w[i]th a
  41. horse in it. Item a tablet of golde hanged by a chaine
    with a Saint James heade and viiij Slot[es] pearles.
  42. Item a litle George of golde the grounde enamelled
  43. blewe. Item a hole George of golde set with diamand
  44. w[i]th a rubie in the Dragon Item a flowre w[i]th iij
  45. rede rubies and v pearles. Item a Sipher w[i]th a
    flowre de luce and a crowne set w[i]th diamand[es] and iij
  46. perles pendaunt. Item a tablet of golde on thone
    side the Salutac[i]on of our Lady and thother side
  47. the Resurrecc[i]on. Item a Crosse of golde of the
  48. picture of Crist enamelled white and rede. Item
    a broche of golde w[i]th a picture of a man of blewe.
  49. Item a tablet of golde with an Antyk heade
  50. of Agathe and a pearle hanging at it. Item a small
    tablet of a Cornelian w[i]th a picture enamelled white
  51. Item a tablet of a picture of our Lady of pitt in a
  52. blewe stone. Item an Egle enamelled whit garnished
    with vj counterset pearles and a counterset saphier
  53. Item a booke garnished w[i]th Acornes of Golde. Item
  54. one girdle cont[aining] xxxviij ^te^ pecies w[i]th a pendaunt having
    at it sondry small chaynes. the girdle enamelled
  55. blacke. Item another girdle cont[aining] xxxl pec[es] of goldsmithe
    worke enamelled red with a pendaunt without tassell.
  56. Item another girdle cont[aining] xxij pecies of goldsmythes
    worke enamelled white and blacke with a rounde knobbe
  57. or pendaunt at it. Item a nother girdle cont[aining] lij
    pecies of goldesmithes worke enamelled black and white
  58. Item a flagon chayne of golde cont[aining] Dlvj ^te^ lynk[es] /iij q[ua]rte
    of a yarde in lenghth. Item a paire of bead[es] of white
  59. purstayin with viij gawdes of golde and xxxviij
    beades of white with a tassell of golde and silke.
  60. Item one paire of beades of Lapis Lazarus cont[aining] xlvj
  61. the stones. And a tassell of golde. Item another
    paire of beades of the same perele fashion cont[aining] xlij stones viij gawdes of goldes and betwene every of
  62. them a litle beade of golde. Item a paire of bead[es] of rede currall cont[aining] xlviij stones viij gawdes set
    w[i]th small garnet[es] and betwene every stone a litle
  63. pece of golde. Item a paire of bead[es] of Jacnick[es] cont[aining] xxxvj^te^ stones viij gawdes and betwen ev[er]y stone a
    lytle pece of golde having a knope with a tasell.
  64. paire of beades of Jeate cont[aining] vij gawdes
    and a knoppe enamelled black w[i]th smale chaynes
  65. and litle pecies of golde between ev[er]y stone. Item
    a paire of beades of currall acorne fashion cont[aining] xlviij
    stones and viij gawdes enamelled black w[i]th small
    bead stones betwen them having a tassell silke and
  66. golde. Item a paire of beades of golde cont[aining]xlvj
    pec[es] of goldesmythes worke enamelled white and
    blacke w[i]th vj gawdes like estroche fethers w[i]th
    litle pec[es] betwene ^to the nombr[e] of L^ and a tassell of golde and silver
  67. Item a paire of beades of Jacnick[es] cont[aining] lxj stones w[i]th
    viij gawdes of golde and betwen ev[er]y stone a litle
  68. beade of golde & a tassell of golde. Item a paire
    w[i]th viij gawdes of golde w[i]th perles & a tassell of
  69. venice golde. Item a paire of beades of golde cont[aining] lxvj beades and viij gawdes and a tassell of venice
  70. golde. Item a paire of bead[es] cont[aining] lxiiij stones of
    Ebony w[i]th lxiij pec[es] of golde betwen the stones w[i]th
  71. A tassell of black silke. Item a girdle of
    Golde like fryer[es] knot[es] cont[aining] xliij pec[es] w[i]th a
    knoppe of golde w[i]th small chaines & bell[es]
  72. at it. Item a paire of beades of blewe stones
    garnished w[i]th golde flagon[n] fashion cont[aining] xlviij
    stones w[i]th vj gawdes of golde enamelled black
    w[i]th a knoppe of Chaynes of golde and
  73. silver. Item a paire of bead[es] like turkesis
    cont[aining] lx blewe stones. Item a paire of bead[es] cont[aining]
  74. Lviij bead[es] of golde crymery worke w[i]th vj gawdes
  75. of the same worke & a small tassell. It[e]m a paire
    of beades of golde cont[aining] Dij small beades of crymery
  76. worke. Item a chaine of golde cont[aining] Diiij m[an]y lynck[es] wrothed & playne. It[e]m iij smale Chaynes of
    golde every of them being half a yarde long
  77. laking almoste one maile. It[e]m lxviij faire
    one aglet to spare pair of Aglet[es] of golde & one od aglet enamelled
    ij paire to spare
  78. white & blacke. It[e]m xviij paire of Aglet[es] of gold one aglet to spare
  79. enamelled russett. It[e]m xix paire of aglet[es] of
    golde w[i]th crosses enamelled blacke & white & one
  80. od aglet. It[e]m xiiij paire of small aglett[es] of
  81. golde enamelled blacke. Item xxxvij paire
    of Aglett[es] of golde of sondry sorte gret & smale
  82. & one broken pece of an aglett. Item xxviij aglet[es]
  83. of golde acorne fashion enamelled blacke. It[e]m xij
  84. bead stones of golde vppon a white threade. Item
    xxiiij od pec[es] of goldesmithes worke of soundry sort[es]
  85. for billyment[es] enamelled blacke. It[e]m xj pec[es] of
    goldesmithes worke for a girdle enamelled blacke
    w[i]th a pendaunt like a piller belonging to the same
  86. It[e]m xvj pec[es] of goldesmithes worke for billement[es]
  87. enamelled white & blewe It[e]m xv buttons of golde of
    Crymery worke enamelled black & white of
  88. soundrey sorteie. It[e]m ij pursses hangeres of silver
  89. and gilt. It[e]m v small bottons set w[i]th table
  90. rubies. It[e]m two pec[es] for a billyment of goldsmithes
    worke w[i]th flowre perles in a pece & a rose in the
  91. mid[s]t. It[e]m v small Agathes w[i]th fac[es] graven in
  92. them. It[e]m a Car^ca^nett w[i]th xv dyamand[es] set in golde
    & betwene ev[er]y of them some smale pec[es] of
  93. golde & perles. It[e]m a carcanet w[i]th xx rubies
    sett in golde w[i]th xxxv pearles in Rondell[es] of golde
    enamelled blacke with a flowre at the same set w[i]th
    iij table rubies & a rede rubye w[i]th a perle
  94. pendaunt. Item another carcanett w[i]th a perle
    Diamand[es] set in golde and Dxxxv pearles
    & other smalle perles ^to the nombr[e] of xx ^te^^ w[i]th a flowre of golde
    at the same set w[i]th a crosse of dyamande[es] & iij table dyamand[es] & iij perles pendaunt.
  95. Item xxj pearles smale & great on a threade.
  96. It[e]m a Carcanet of golde fetterlocke fashion enamelled
    blacke in ^one^ plac broken cont[aining] xliij pec[es] &
  97. xlvj pearles. It[e]m a carcanet cont[aining] xxxviij great perles
  98. It[e]m another Carcanet cont[aining] xxv knot[es] of perle
    in ev[er]y knott iiij perles & betwen them xxxvj
    iij perles & one pipe 98. pipes of golde. Item a faire flowre of golde
    to spare enamelled white & blacke set in it on emerall
  99. & a ruby & a perle pendau[n]t. Item xviij perles
    small & great & vij small pipes of golde together
  100. in a paper. Item a paire of brasselet[es] of xx ^te^
  101. blewe & rede stones & ij Jacinck[es]. Item a paire
    of brassellet[es] of xiiij pec[es] of golde enamelled
    black & white w[i]th rubies & diamandes set in
  102. them. It[e]m another paire of brasselet[es] of golde
  103. of xxij pec[es] enamelled black & rede. It[e]m a
    paire of brasselet[es] of flagon chayne w[i]th
  104. Jacnick[es]. It[e]m xxvj buttons of golde crymery work
  105. in ev[er]y buttou[n] vj perles. Item five other buttons
    of a bigger sorte enamelled black w[i]th vj perles
  106. in ev[er]y of buttou[n]. Item a george of golde w[i]thin a
  107. garter hanging at a black lace. It[e]m xj pec[es] of
    goldesmithes worke for a billament enamelled white &
  108. rede. It[e]m xxx^te^ small turkesis litle worthe. Item
  109. viiij table diamond[es] set in collett[es] of golde. It[e]m a
  110. Spone of golde w[i]th a Cuphid on the knoppe
  111. It[e]m an older garter w[i]th the buckill pendaunt & l[ett]res
  112. of golde enamelled black. It[e]m a touche stone set
  113. in golde. It[e]m vj rounde buttons enamelled rede set
  114. in ev[er]y of them five counterset stones. It[e]m a pece
    of a brasselet cont[aining] vij pec[es] w[i]th counterset stones
  115. & ij pec[es] w[i]th estriche fethers. It[e]m five rings of
    golde iij of them rubies, one amatist & thother
  116. an Agathe. It[e]m certen small garnet[es] in a paper
  117. It[e]m one abillyment of Goldesmithes worke cont[aining] xxj
    rubies set in gold & xxij pec[es] set w[i]th ij perles
    in a pece. It[e]m another Abillyam[en]t w[i]th xij table
  118. Diamondes set in golde & xiij ^tey^ peces of goldesmithes
  119. worke w[i]th ij perles in a pece. It[e]m another abillement w[i]th
    xvj rede rubies set in golde & xvij pec[es] of goldsmithe
  120. worke w[i]th ij perles in a pece. It[e]m another abillem[en]t
    w[i]th xvj pec[es] of Goldesmithes work w[i]th vj perles
    in a pece & xv pec[es] of goldesmithes work betwen them
  121. <D>enamelled black. It[e]m another billiment cont[aining] xxv pec[es] of goldesmithes work enamelled black
  122. It[e]m another Abillement cont[aining] xxv pec[es] of goldsmithes
  123. abilliment cont[aining] xxxj pec[es] of goldesmithes work
  124. enamelled white. It[e]m another abillm[en]t cont[aining] xl
    pec[es] of goldesmithes work ball fashion enamelled
  125. black & white. It[e]m another Abillm[en]t cont[aining] xx^te^ long pec[es] of goldesmithes work enamelled
  126. black & white. It[e]m xlix paire of great aglet[es]
  127. of golde crymery work. It[e]m xx triangle buttou[n]s
  128. of golde enamelled black. It[e]m xviij damaskin
  129. buttons. It[e]m a coller of S[ain]t michells cont[aining] xliiij
    knott[es] and xlvij Skallopp shell & a mighell hanging
  130. at it. It[e]m two Glasses w[i]th estriche fethers
    ther set in golde garnished w[i]th soundry smale
    stones & an Antik face the handle being
    Christall & thother of silver garnished w[i]th
    five rede rubies set in golde the handle
  131. christall. It[e]m a Clock of Damasked work
  132. booke fashion. It[e]m a Chest of silver wicker
    fashion w[i]th a litle pot & a boule of golde
  133. w[i]th a p[e]n in it. It[e]m a litle Square boxe
    cov[er]ed w[i]th purple velvit garnished w[i]th copper
    gilte having in it ten diamond[es] set in ring[es] whereof iij faire table Diamond[es] ij pointed
    Diamands .7. the rest of a smaller sorte. It[e]m
    Foure ^.11.^ rubies ^.11.^ two of iiij faire tables set in
    one but a garnet ring[es] ^.4.^ It[e]m iij ^.9.^ turkesis set in ring & ^.10.^ two table
    emeralles set in ring[es]. It[e]m ij ring[es] like
    Sarpent[es] .3. one w[i]th a diamand & thother
    w[i]th ^.8.^ a perle. ^.1.^ It[e]m a litle ring w[i]th iij
    Diamond[es] & foure small rubyes .3. It[e]m
    A hart enamelled rede.

The Warrant:

Trustie and welbeloved we grete you well
and where ye have by o[u]r order & com[m]aund
ement given vnto you by worde of mouth
deliv[er]ed vnto o[u]r owne handes those Jewell[es] & other thing[es] before mentioned. We minding
yo[u]r dyschardge in this behalf and that
yo[u]r conformitie in the delivery of the said
Jewell[es] w[i]thout warrant shall not be any
waies p[re]iudicall vnto you do by these
p[ate]nt[es] acknowledge the receyt of the said
Jewell[es] & other thing[es] before written
A clerely acquite & dyscharge you
of the same for w[hi]ch purpose these shalbe
yo[u]r sufficient warraunt. Yeoven
at o[u]r Towre of london the xiiij ^th^
of July in the first yere of o[u]r reigne

Endorsed: To our trustie and welbeloved
vncle S[i]r Andrewe Dudley knight
of the ordre [1]


The Inventory:

Jane <the Quene>

    • A note of certain Jewels and
      Other things delivered unto the Queen’s
      Highness by [blank] Sturton, Esquire,
      The 14th day of July 1553 in the
      First year of Her Highness’ reign.

                  1. First, one tablet 6 square [i.e., hexagonal] with 2 faces and 6 pearls
                  2. Item, one brooch with a woman coming out of a cloud with 2
                  3. Children. Item, one other brooch of gold with a story [i.e., picture] in it having
                    19 table rubies and 2 table diamonds and 8 red rubies about [i.e., around]
                  4. it. Item, two pieces [with] rubies and 3 pieces with diamonds and 3
                    other pieces with 2 pearls in a piece all serving for billaments.
                    Item, one other piece with a diamond for a girdle. Item, one other brooch
                  5. Of the story of a Sacrifice having on it 2 red rubies and 5
                  6. little diamonds and a fair Emerald. Item, a fish of gold being
                  7. a toothpick. Item, a little pendant having one great pearl and
                  8. 6 little pearls at it. Item, one tablet of the picture of a woman
                    [en]graven in a stone like a Jacent with a fair pearl pendant.
                  9. Item, one tablet of Agate garnished with gold with a Ball in
                    it with a ruby and a diamond garnished with small stones
                  10. having a pearl pendant. Item, another brooch of Agate with St
                  11. James’s head garnished with gold. Item, one Dewberry of gold.
                  12. Item, a fair tablet with Cupid’s face [en]graven in stone with a triangle
                  13. Diamond set in it. Item, a tablet book fashion[ed] with [the] story of
                    St David on the one side and on the other side 4 blue sapphires.
                  14. Item, a Colet with 5 pearls and a counterset stone. Item, a
                  15. flower with white Sapphirr and 3 pearls pendant. Item, a
                  16. brooch of gold with a woman [carved in] mother of pearl and a sail [i.e., ribbon] over
                  17. her head. Item, a newt of silver white. Item, a tablet
                  18. with a white Sapphire and a blue and balas and a pearl
                  19. pendant. Item, a tablet of Crystal and Jacind with a
                  20. picture within them. Item, a tablet of Agate with Saint
                  21. Katherine within it. Item, a flower with a blue Sapphire
                  22. square and an amethyst square. Item, the letter ‘L’ with a
                  23. great balas and 3 pearls pendant. Item, a flower of gold
                    of 4 crosses and a fleur-de-lis of Diamonds and a pearl
                    pendant. Item, a piece of gold with a red ruby in it for
                  24. a girdle. Item, a brooch with an Agate engraved with a story
                  25. enameled black and white. Item, a tablet of gold
                  26. enameled black with a clock on it. Item, a book garnished
                  27. with gold and covered with black velvet. Item, a brooch
                  28. of gold with a face in Agate. Item, two Clasps
                  29. one with a fleur-de-lis of Diamonds and the other
                  30. with a bluee Sapphire. Item, a tablet of gold 4
                  31. Square enameled black. Item, one other pair of
                    clasps, one with an Agate and the other enameled black.
                  32. Item, a brooch of gold enameled black with a face of
                  33. Agate. Item, another brooch with a woman holding
                  34. a fleur-de-lis of Diamonds in her hand. Item, a flower of
                  35. gold with a great balas and 10<2> pearls. Item, a brooch of
                  36. with a story in blue within a Crystal. Item, a
                    brooch of gold with the picture of Our Lady, of another
                  37. broken. Item, a brooch of a [St] George of mother of pearl.
                  38. Item, a Cross of ten diamonds and 3 pearls pendant.
                  39. Item, two clasps, one like a Scallop shell, the other with a
                  40. flower of rubies. Item, a brooch of an Agate with a
                  41. horse in it. Item, a tablet of gold hanged by a chain
                    with a Saint James’s head and 9 Slots pearls.
                  42. Item, a little [St] George of gold the [back]ground enameled
                  43. blue. Item, a whole [St] George of gold set with diamond
                  44. with a ruby in the Dragon. Item, a flower with 3
                  45. red rubies and 5 pearls. Item, a Cypher with a
                    fleur-de-lis and a crown set with diamonds and 3
                  46. pearls pendant. Item, a tablet of gold, on the one
                    side the Salutation of Our Lady and the other side
                  47. the Resurrection. Item, a Cross of gold of the
                  48. picture of Christ enameled white and red. Item,
                    a brooch of gold with a picture of a man of blue
                  49. Stone. Item, a tablet of gold with an Antique head
                  50. of Agate and a pearl hanging at it. Item, a small
                    tablet of a Carnelian with a picture enameled white.
                  51. Item, a tablet of a picture of Our Lady of Pity in a
                  52. blue stone. Item, an Eagle enameled white garnished
                    with 6 counterset pearls and a counterset sapphire.
                  53. Item, a book garnished with Acorns of Gold. Item,
                  54. one girdle containing 38 pieces with a pendant having
                    at it sundry small chains, the girdle enameled
                  55. black. Item, another girdle containing 80 pieces of goldsmith’s
                    work enameled red with a pendant without tassel.
                  56. Item, another girdle containing 22 pieces of goldsmith’s
                    work enameled white and black with a round knob
                  57. or pendant at it. Item, another girdle containing 52
                    pieces of goldsmith’s work enameled black and white.
                  58. Item, a flagon chain of gold containing 156 links three-quarters
                    of a yard in length. Item, a pair of beads of white
                  59. purstain with 8 gauds of gold and 38
                    beads of white with a tassel of gold and silk.
                  60. Item, one pair of beads of Lapis Lazuli containing 46
                    stones. 8 gauds and small pieces of gold between
                  61. the stones. And a tassel of gold. Item, another
                    pair of beads of the same pearl fashion containing
                    42 stones 8 gauds of gold and between every of
                  62. them a little bead of gold. Item, a pair of beads
                    of red coral containing 48 stones 8 gauds set
                    with small garnets and between every stone a little
                  63. piece of gold. Item, a pair of beads of Jacnicks containing
                    36 stones 8 gauds and between every stone a
                    little piece of gold having a knot with a tassel.
                  64. A pair of beads of Jet containing 7 gauds
                    and a knot enameled black with small chains
                  65. and little pieces of gold between every stone. Item,
                    a pair of beads of coral, acorn fashion, containing 48
                    stones and 8 gauds enameled black with small
                    bead stones betwen them having a tassel silk and
                  66. gold. Item, a pair of beads of gold containing 46
                    pieces of goldsmith’s work enameled white and
                    black with 6 gauds like ostrich feathers with
                    little pieces between to the number of 50 and a tassel of gold and silver
                  67. Item, a pair of beads of Jacnicks containing 61 stones with
                    8 gauds of gold and between every stone a little
                  68. bead of gold & a tassel of gold. Item, a pair
                    with 8 gauds of gold with pearls & a tassel of
                  69. Venice gold. Item, a pair of beads of gold containing
                    66 beads and 8 gauds and a tassel of Venice
                  70. gold. Item, a pair of beads containing 64 stones of
                    Ebony with 63 pieces of gold between the stones with
                  71. A tassel of black silk. Item, a girdle of
                    gold like friar’s knots containing 43 pieces with a
                    knot of gold with small chains & bells
                  72. at it. Item, a pair of beads of blue stones
                    garnished with gold flagon fashion containing 48
                    stones with 6 gauds of gold enameled black
                    with a knot of Chains of gold and
                  73. silver. Item, a pair of beads like turquoises
                    containing 60 blue stones. Item, a pair of beads containing
                  74. 58 beads of gold crimery work with 6 gauds
                  75. of the same work & a small tassel. Item, a pair
                    of beads of gold containing 102 small beads of crimery
                  76. work. Item, a chain of gold containing 104 many links
                    wrought & plain. Item, 3 small Chains of
                    gold every of them being half a yard long
                  77. lacking almost one mail. Item, 68 fair
                    pair of Aiglettes of gold & one odd aiglett enameled
                  78. white & black. Item, 18 pair of Aiglettes of gold
                  79. enameled russett. Item, 19 pair of aiglettes of
                    gold with crosses enameled black& white & one
                  80. odd aiglett. Item, 14 pair of small aiglettes of
                  81. gold enameled black. Item, 37 pair
                    of Aiglettes of gold of sundry sort great & small
                  82. & one broken piece of an aiglett. Item, 28 aiglettes
                  83. of gold acorn fashion enameled black. Item, 12
                  84. bead stones of gold upon a white thread. Item,
                    24 odd pieces of goldsmith’s work of sundry sorts
                  85. for billaments, enameled black. Item, 11 pieces of
                    goldsmith’s work for a girdle enameled black
                    with a pendant like a pillar belonging to the same
                  86. Item, 16 pieces of goldsmith’s work for billaments
                  87. enameled white & blue. Item, 15 buttons of gold of
                    Crimery work enameled black & white of
                  88. sundrey sorts. Item, 2 purses hanger of silver
                  89. and gilt. Item, 5 small buttons set with table
                  90. rubies. Item, two pieces for a billament of goldsmith’s
                    work with flower pearls in a piece & a rose in the
                  91. midst. Item, 5 small Agates with faces [en]graven in
                  92. them. Item, a Carcanet with 15 diamonds set in gold
                    & between every of them some small pieces of
                  93. gold & pearls. Item, a carcanet with 20 rubies
                    set in gold with 25 pearls in Rondels of gold
                    enameled black with a flower at the same set with
                    3 table rubies & a red ruby with a pearl
                  94. pendant. Item, another carcanet with a pearl
                    <rubies> Diamonds set in gold and 135 pearls
                    & other small pearls ^to the number of 20^ with a flower of gold
                    at the same set with a cross of diamonds
                    & 3 table diamonds & 3 pearls pendant.
                  95. Item, 21 pearls small & great on a thread.
                  96. Item, a Carcanet of gold fetterlock fashion enameled
                    black in ^one^ place broken containing 43 pieces &
                  97. 46 pearls. Item, a carcanet containing 38 great pearls
                  98. Item, another Carcanet containing 25 knots of pearl
                    in every knot 4 pearls & between them 36
                  99. pipes of gold. Item, a fair flower of gold
                    enameled white & black set in it on emerald
                  100. & a ruby & a pearl pendant. Item, 18 pearls
                    small & great & 7 small pipes of gold together
                  101. in a paper. Item, a pair of bracelets of 20
                  102. blue & red stones & 2 Jacinckes. Item, a pair
                    of bracelets of 14 pieces of gold enameled
                    black & white with rubies & diamonds set in
                  103. them. Item, another pair of bracelets of gold
                  104. of 22 pieces enameled black & red. Item, a
                    pair of bracelets of flagon chain with
                  105. Jacnickes. Item, 26 buttons of gold crimery work
                  106. in every button 6 pearls. Item, five other buttons
                    of a bigger sort enameled black with 6 pearls
                  107. in every of button. Item, a [St] George of gold within a
                  108. Garter hanging at a black lace. Item, 11 pieces of
                    goldsmith’s work for a billament enameled white &
                  109. red. Item, 30 small turquoises [of] little worthe. Item,
                  110. 9 table diamonds set in collets of gold. Item, a
                  111. Spoon of gold with a Cupid on the knot
                  112. Item, an older Garter with the buckle pendant & letters
                  113. of gold enameled black. Item, a touchstone set
                  114. in gold. Item, 6 round buttons enameled red set
                  115. in every of them five counterset stones. Item, a piece
                    of a bracelet containing 7 pieces with counterset stones
                  116. & 2 pieces with ostrich feathers. Item, five rings of
                    gold 3 of them rubies, one amethyst& the other
                  117. an Agate. Item, certain small garnets in a paper.
                  118. Item, one billament of Goldsmith’s work containing 21
                    rubies set in gold & 22 pieces set with 2 pearls
                    in a piece. Item, another billament with 12 table
                  119. Diamonds set in gold & 13 pieces of goldsmith’s
                  120. work with 2 pearls in a piece. Item, another billament with
                    16 red rubies set in gold & 17 pieces of goldsmith
                  121. work with 2 pearls in a piece. Item, another billament
                    with 16 pieces of Goldsmith’s work with 6 pearls
                    in a piece & 15 pieces of goldsmith’s work between them
                  122. <D> enameled black. Item, another billament containing
                    25 pieces of goldsmith’s work enameled black.
                  123. Item, another billament containing 25 pieces of goldsmith’s
                  124. a billament containing 31 pieces of goldsmith’s work
                  125. enameled white. Item, another billament containing 40
                    pieces of goldsmith’s work ball fashion enameled
                  126. black & white. Item, another billament containing
                    20 long pieces of goldsmith’s work enameled
                  127. black & white. Item, 49 pair of great aiglettes
                  128. of gold crimery work. Item, 20 triangle buttons
                  129. of gold enameled black. Item, 18 damascene
                  130. buttons. Item, a collar of S[ain]t Micheal containing 44
                    knots and 47 Scallop shells & a mighell hanging
                  131. at it. Item, two Glasses [i.e., mirrors] with ostrich feathers
                    there set in gold garnished with sundry small
                    stones & an Antique face, the handle being
                    Crystal; & the other of silver garnished with
                    five red rubies set in gold, the handle
                  132. crystal. Item, a Clock of Damascene work
                  133. book fashion. Item, a Chest of silver wicker
                    fashion with a little pot & a bowl of gold
                  134. with a pen in it. Item, a little Square box
                    covered with purple velvet garnished with copper
                    gilt having in it ten diamonds set in rings
                    whereof 3 fair table Diamonds 2 pointed
                    Diamonds .7. the rest of a smaller sort. Item,
                    Four ^.11.^ rubies ^.11.^ two of 4 fair tables <illegible> set in
                    rings ^.4.^ Item, 3 ^.9.^ turquoises set in ring & ^.10.^ two table
                    emeralds set in rings. Item, 2 rings like
                    Serpents .3. one with a diamond & the other
                    with ^.8.^ a pearl. ^.1.^ Item, a little ring with 3
                    Diamonds & four small rubies .3. Item,
                    A heart enameled red.

The Warrant:

Trusty and well-beloved, we greet you well
and where you have by our order & command-
ment given unto you by word of mouth
delivered unto our own hands those Jewels
& other things before mentioned. We minding
your discharge [i.e., release from any accusation of wrongdoing] in this behalf and that
your conformity in the delivery of the said
Jewels without warrant shall not be any
way preudicial unto you do by these
patents acknowledge the receipt of the said
Jewels& other things before written
A<blot> clearly acquit & discharge you
of the same for which purpose these shall be
your sufficient warrant. Given
at our Tower of London the 14th
of July in the first year of our reign.

To our trusty and well-beloved
uncle Sir Andrew Dudley, Knight
of the Order [of the Garter][2]


  1. Andrew Dudley was the younger brother of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland. King Edward VI had earlier appointed Andrew Keeper of the Palace of Westminster, which housed both the Royal Wardrobe and the Royal Jewels.


Letters included between brackets, [ ], are indicated in the original by standard sixteenth-century abbreviations similar to shorthand.

Words or letters enclosed within < > are scratched through in the original.

Words or letters enclosed within ^ ^ appear as additional superscript (above the line) in the original.


Aiglette : Pronounced ‘eyelet’, an ornamental end-cap to a string, cord, or lace; often made of gold and heavily embellished, they were used as tips on the laces that held pieces of sixteenth-century clothing together

Antique head : A cameo

Balas : A red or orange spinel, sometimes confused with ruby

Billament : The jeweled decoration and edging of female headgear

Carcanet : A jeweled necklace or collar

Crymery work : Uncertain, though undoubtedly some specific pattern of carving or embossing of gold, similar to Venice work and Spanish work

Flower : In sixteenth-century jewelry, a type of figured or carved brooch or pin

Gaud : An ornamental bead, usually embossed or carved.

Girdle : A chain worn around the waist

Jacnick : A stone similar to jasper

Pair of beads : Two strands of beads worn suspended from the waist, often attached to a ‘girdle’ (see above)

Pearl pendant : Usually refers to a pearl suspended from the bottom edge of a larger piece of jewelry

Pipe : A small tube thread onto a cord

Pointed (in reference to stones) : Cut with a pyramid-shaped top. Stone cutting was crude in the 16th century, with most stones having but a bare minimum of facets

Table (in reference to stones) : Cut with a large flat top. Stone cutting was crude in the 16th century, with most stones having but a bare minimum of facets

Tablet : A carved, figured, or enameled pinor brooch depicting some person or scene

Venice gold (or ‘work’) : gold that has been worked with a specific pattern of embossing and tracery, similar to but distinct from ‘Spanish work’